How to become Commercial Pilot in India
Time flies, so can YOU!
Become a Pilot
The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling travel across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked enviously at the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air. – Wilbur Wright.

Becoming an Airline Pilot is a dream for many, though seldom we come across people who have the courage to chase their dreams. We all have seen the aura of commercial pilots at airports, before or after the flight with awe and yet the world of commercial airline pilots is still a mystery for many. We at Nexus Aviation India are here to help you with this, so that by the time you finish reading, you would have complete clarity to start your own journey as a successful Pilot in Indian Aviation Industry.
To become Commercial Airline Pilot, A student needs to fulfil some of the basic qualification criteria which is as follows:
12th Standard: A candidate needs to have Physics and Math in his/her 12th Std. If one or both subjects were not opted for in 12th Std. then student has the alternative in the form of On Demand examination which is conducted by NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling)
Once above criteria is met, Student needs to apply for:-
- Medical II & I
- Computer Number
This is the first medical assessment which a candidate needs to acquire. Medical Class II can be attained by contacting any DGCA empaneled doctors across country. Below are the tests which a candidate would require:
- Blood CBC
- Urine RE
- ECG resting
- X-Ray Chest PA
- Pure tone
- Audiometry
- ENT and Eye
- Examination by ENT and Eye specialist
- All the tests can be done from any NABL NABH lab
- Two passport size photographs
- Copy of 10th Certificate
- Copy of Adhaar card
For class II medical doctors list, click below:
Medical class I is a mandatory medical assessment which is must before flying training. Below are the tests which are needed for the initial medical assessment:-
- Blood Hb%, TLC, DLC
- Blood Sugar F & PP
- HbA1C
- Blood Urea & Serum Creatinine
- Serum Uric Acid
- Lipid Profile
- Urine RE/ME
- ECG (R)
- X-Ray Chest PA View
- Pure Tone Audiometry
- USG Abdomen & Pelvis
- Dilated Fundus Examination
If BMI > 30, Blood Sugar F & 2 hrs after 75 gm glucose
For more information on subsequent assessments and guidelines, kindly click below:
In other words, computer number could also be explained as a roll number or identity number of the candidate. This number stays with the candidate throughout his/her career in aviation industry. In India, DGCA issues the number upon fulfilling certain requirements and conditions. Click below for the procedure to apply for the computer number through DGCA Pariksha portal.
CPL Ground classes is the first milestone which a candidate has to clear to become a commercial Pilot. Student has the option to start preparing at the same time or after he/she gets the Medical II certificate and Computer Number. CPL Ground classes are taught as per the guidelines provided by DGCA. Following are the subjects which needs to be cleared:
- Technical General
- Meteorology
- Navigation
- Regulations
- Radio Telephony ®
Do you know why all aircrafts are not designed in the same manner? Do you get curious every time a 1,36,000 kg mass gets lifted off the ground? Do you get intrigued by an aircraft doing some aerobatic maneuvers and want to know how that is actually happening? Then brace for impact as you unravel the mysteries in TECHNICAL GENERAL.
How does a pilot actually know where to go in air? We sometimes get lost on ground itself. How does he know where is destination? What does he actually set on “autopilot” that we reach our destination? How does he find the runway to land the aircraft? What the instruments and switches are for in the cockpit? All these questions are answered by AIR NAVIGATION.
What is turbulence and where does turbulence come from? Why all the clouds have so many different shapes? How will a pilot ever know which type of cloud is safe and what is hazardous for him and the aircraft? How does winds vary as we go from ground to higher altitudes? AIR METEROLOGY helps you understand different type of weather and our climate in a complete and holistic manner.
So many aircrafts fly at once, how all of them maintain safe distance from each other? What are these standard protocols that a pilot needs to maintain to fly? What all criteria are we supposed to fulfil to if we want to become a pilot? Which regulatory body issues the license? All the rules and laws related to flying aspect of aviation is what we coherent and learn in AIR REGULATIONS.
Why do pilots wear headphones and who are they talking to? Who is giving them instructions and what are those instructions? As a passenger, we do not get mobile network at 30,000ft, so how does a Pilot and aircraft has wireless communication at such high altitude? Is there a specific way to communicate? Radio Telephony is the practical aspect of flying and it involves application of all the 4 subjects mentioned above. You will learn how to communicate and enhance your piloting skills with Radio Telephony.
Duration: 5-6 Months
Examination for the said subjects are conducted by DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation). Once the exam is cleared student has to look for the Flying school as per his/her choice. We at Nexus would be able to assist you with finalizing a Flying School as per requirements (185 Hrs. on Single Engine aircraft and 15 Hrs. of Multi Engine Aircraft). Student has option to opt for one of the following countries to select the Flying School from:
- India
- South Africa
- Canada
- United States of
- America
- New Zealand
Be it India or Abroad, Student also needs to clear Medical I and appear for and clear Radio Telephony examination which is conducted by WPC (Wireless Planning Commission). If Flying school is selected out of India than upon completing the flying training as per DGCA requirements, student needs to give conversion exam back in India to attain the Commercial Pilot License.
Clearing Ground exams and completing the flying training as per guidelines set by DGCA will reward you with attaining Commercial Pilot License and your journey starts from here.